vice president of Samajwadi Jan Parishad Dr. Swati is no more

Dr. Swatiji is no more. 

The founder secratary and presently the vice president of Samajwadi Jan Parishad Dr. Swati demised at 8pm today (02.05.2020) at Varanasi. She was one of the top most leaders of Jan Parishad from its inception to till her death. For last few months she was suffering from cancer. She had her PhD from United States of America in physics and was a faculty member of physics department of Women's college in Banaras Hindu University campus. Her husband comrade Aflatoon ji is the present General Secratary of Samajwadi Janaparishad. Both were very active in struggles as well as in intellectual work and day to day affairs of party. Their son Riju is working in Germany and their daughter comrade Pyoli is a supreme court lawyer. From childhood, comrade Pyoli is attached to the party and she is very active in the Delhi unit. 

Even before the formation of Samajwadi Janaparishath Swatiji was very active and was a leader of Samta  Sanghatan founded by Kishan Pattanayak. She also played a key role in the process of formation of the Samajwadi Janaparishath. Initially Samta Sanghatan, Dalit Sangharsh Samiti (Karnataka), Utjas Uttar Bang  Taposili Jathi Adivasi Sanghadan, Chatra Yuva Sangharsh Vahni, Jan Sangharsh Vahini and Yuva Kranti Dal ( Yukrant) had formed an alliance called Janandolan Samanvay Samiti ( JaSaSa) later on Samata Vidhyarthi Sanghadana (Kerala) also have joined in JaSaSa. She was a towering woman leader of those collective movements by her intellectual capacities. The JSaSa, Socialist Front of Maharashtra, Socialist Party (Lohia) came together to form a party and the process of discussion, debate and joined actions began. It took place almost more than two years and finally in 1995 January 1, Samajwadi Janaparishath was formed at the foundation Conference held at Tane on December 30 , 31 1994 ,January 1 1995.  She proposed and presented the constitutional resolution of the party constitution at the foundation conference.  I got an opportunity to second that resolution. Late Jugal Kishore Raibir (President), late Bhai Vaidya (General Secretary), late Kishan Pattanayak (Vice President) and so on were the office bearers elected in the foundation conference.Swatiji was among the four secretaries elected. I also was one of the secretaries. Apart from the important role played in the decision making of ideological questions and activities of the party,  she played a peculiar role for the constitutional matters of the party. She had has ideological clarity and a vision of the new social concepts. She used to write in English and Hindi. She could speak Hindi,  Bengali, Odiya and English. 
In the gatherings she used to sing collective struggle songs of Dushyant Kumar wrote at the time of JP movement to the Adivasi agitations in fine tune. But her beautiful and sweet Rabeendra sangeeth a unique performance in meetings used to render the gatherings a level of a concert of art. That would created an atmosphere of easness and mutual love  while the hot debates and discussions of national meetings. She faught for the causes of women, dalits and adivasies, minorities especially the Muslims of Banaras, education rights  and   common people.

She was playing important role in All India Forum for Right to Education movement (AIFRTE), a common platform led by renowned educationist Dr. Anil Sadgopal. Presently she is the presidium member of AIFRTE. 

Her untimely demise is  a great lose to Samajwadi Janaparishath. That vacuum cannot be filled up. Even before the formation of the party she came to my home at koodalloor along with Aflatoon ji and Pyoli. Several times they stayed in my home. She was a friend, comrade and above all like a relative to my family.

My Antim Pranam and Salutes to her.

Joshy Jacob
National Vice President
Samajawadi Janaparishad